
Welcome to our Blog. Here you can find news on events, product updates, customer stories and much more.

10th September 2020

Free Blender 2.8 Lighting Tutorials

Our 4 part tutorial series teaches an absolute beginner how to create perfect lighting with Blender 2.83 or higher.
8th September 2020

Craig Dockerill - My Blender 3D Hobby

Craig pursues 3D art as a hobby, is a keen Blender user and an early champion for the Blender Connection.
23rd February 2020

Light Painting using a Promotional LED Torch Pen

You'll be amazed what you can do with our branded LED Torch Pen!
19th February 2020

Mr Black Bushfire Relief Edition

$50k raised for Wires Wildlife Rescue to help the bushfire crisis... with a little help from HDR Light Studio.
6th December 2019

Simon Smalley: Living and Breathing Art

Interview with Simon Smalley, revealing his experiences of creating content using LightWave3D and HDR Light Studio.
14th November 2019

Dmitriy Glazyrin: How to Excel in the CGI Industry

Co-Founder of Mondlicht Studio recounts his journey as a CG artist and shares his tips for achieving success.
13th September 2019

James Darknell: Improving as a 3D Artist

Check out James' journey to 3D and his advice on how to continue to evolve as a 3D Artist.
26th July 2019

Jordi Sans Gassó: From Student to Pro

Find out how with the help of HDR Light Studio, Jordi has evolved from being a student to a pro.
24th April 2019

Paul Gawman: Striving for Excellence

Lightmap recently chatted with Paul Gawman, an award-winning Sydney-based Digital Artist. A native Brit, with over two...
31st January 2019

Ben Greenfield: The Final Piece I Needed

Read this inspirational story about a CGI and Retouching Artist who initially didn’t seek out an artists’ career.
28th November 2018

Thule: Heightening the Customer Experience

Thule’s 3D artist, Norbert Nagel, shows inquisitiveness after witnessing the benefits of HDR Light Studio.
2nd November 2018

Declan McGurry: Destined to Create

Hear Declan McGurry’s story on how he started enjoying the process of lighting and crafting light like a photographer.