Welcome to our Blog. Here you can find news on events, product updates, customer stories and much more.
10th September 2020
Our 4 part tutorial series teaches an absolute beginner how to create perfect lighting with Blender 2.83 or higher.
8th September 2020
Craig pursues 3D art as a hobby, is a keen Blender user and an early champion for the Blender Connection.
23rd February 2020
You'll be amazed what you can do with our branded LED Torch Pen!
19th February 2020
$50k raised for Wires Wildlife Rescue to help the bushfire crisis... with a little help from HDR Light Studio.
6th December 2019
Interview with Simon Smalley, revealing his experiences of creating content using LightWave3D and HDR Light Studio.
14th November 2019
Co-Founder of Mondlicht Studio recounts his journey as a CG artist and shares his tips for achieving success.
13th September 2019
Check out James' journey to 3D and his advice on how to continue to evolve as a 3D Artist.
26th July 2019
Find out how with the help of HDR Light Studio, Jordi has evolved from being a student to a pro.
24th April 2019
Lightmap recently chatted with Paul Gawman, an award-winning Sydney-based Digital Artist. A native Brit, with over two...
31st January 2019
Read this inspirational story about a CGI and Retouching Artist who initially didn’t seek out an artists’ career.
28th November 2018
Thule’s 3D artist, Norbert Nagel, shows inquisitiveness after witnessing the benefits of HDR Light Studio.
2nd November 2018
Hear Declan McGurry’s story on how he started enjoying the process of lighting and crafting light like a photographer.