HDR Light Studio 8.2.3 out now - macOS Sequoia fix, Cinema 4D 2025, Houdini 20.5...


Welcome to our Blog. Here you can find news on events, product updates, customer stories and much more.

23rd February 2020

Light Painting using a Promotional LED Torch Pen

You'll be amazed what you can do with our branded LED Torch Pen!
11th September 2019

Trying New Software - Don't Give Up!

We understand the challenges of trying new software and are here to help
25th October 2018

New HDR Light Studio Training Video

Develop your fundamental knowledge by learning about the interface and main features of HDR Light Studio.
3rd September 2018

Video Tutorial for Compositing Lightpainted Automotive Shots

Discover how techniques used in editing real-world light painted photographs can be applied to CGI images.
12th March 2018

Add HDR Light Studio when the Model and Materials are...

Emphasis is put on having a perfect 3D model with realistic shaders/materials to see full potential of HDR Light Studio.
13th February 2018

Requested version not supported

Find out why some permanent license users of HDR Light Studio may see a ‘Requested version not supported’ message.
3rd November 2017

The problems with Stock Studio HDRI

In this article, we talk about why we don’t create and then sell stock HDRI maps.
6th December 2016

Learn about Car Studio Lighting for CGI

This article explains studio lighting types to use for automotive studio renders.
11th August 2015

Feature Focus: Render View

This article explains the difference between HDR Light Studio 4 and 5 in regards to the live render view.
13th July 2015

Automotive CGI Studio Lighting Demo

A demonstration by Maciej Ptaszynski shows how he lights an automotive shot from scratch to achieve realistic effects.
6th November 2013

HDR Light Studio for MODO - Product Shot Lighting Tutorial

Tutorial on ‘product shot’ in HDR Light Studio in conjunction with MODO is now available to be watched.
1st May 2013

RenderMan - Physically Plausible Tutorial

5 part ‘How To’ tutorial on Maya, RenderMan and HDR Light Studio out now at RenderMan University.