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Houdini & Omniverse Plug-in Update

New Houdini & Omniverse USD Composer Plug-ins released

New HDR Light Studio plug-in connections have been released for Houdini and Omniverse USD Composer. These are available to try and download today.

What's New: Houdini Connection - build: 2023.0706

  • The Houdini connection now uses our new API for a far more responsive lighting experience.
  • The Houdini connection is now only compatible with Python 3 builds of Houdini.
  • Support added for Houdini 19.5 running on Apple Silicon.
    Please note: The HDR Light Studio main application is still an Intel MacOS app and runs via Rosetta on Apple Silicon computers. However, this does not stop it from performing very well and communicating with our new plug-ins compiled for Apple Silicon apps.
  • Updated HDR Light Studio Connection UI.
  • Support added for Area Light Spread control from HDR Light Studio for Redshift, V-Ray, Arnold, and RenderMan.
  • The path to the rendered HDRI lighting textures now uses $HIP file structure.
  • Bug fix: The HDR Light Studio connection now prevents users from creating more than one HDR Light Studio Connection Controller.

What's New: Omniverse Connection - build: 2023.0715

Omniverse USD Composer
  • Support added for Support for USD Composer 2023.1+
  • 'Refresh' button has been added to the HDR Light Studio Connection panel. The button re-scans the Omniverse stage and re-populates available dome lights in the Dome Lights list.
  • The name structure of the area lights created by HDR Light Studio now adheres to the latest naming conventions for paths. The name of any area light created by HDR Light Studio will now begin with 'hdrls_'.

Customers with active Subscriptions or Maintenance can download and install the new Connections today. To download the new builds, please login to your account here and go to the downloads area.

HDR Light Studio and the updated Connections are available to try and buy today.

This entry was posted in HDR Light Studio - Connections News and tagged 3D Software: Houdini, 3D Software: Omniverse, New Releases.