HDR Light Studio Live plug-in provides real-time advanced HDRI lighting design totally integrated into your host 3D software. This new updated Live plug-in brings all of the Pro features of HDR Light Studio 2.0 inside of Right Hemisphere’s ‘Deep Exploration 6’. So you can see the HDRI lighting design evolve directly onto your Deep Exploration scene.
It’s just like a real photo-shoot. Position your camera and light the shot in real-time using studio lighting alone or, new in version 2.0, by adding lighting effects on top of an existing real-world HDRI environment. The Deep Exploration HDR renderer is very simple to use with only a few settings but produces high quality final renders. It’s a great solution for those without a lot of rendering experience but who are looking for an easy and fast way to create excellent renderings of new product designs from CAD data.
This Deep Exploration 6 plug-in is no longer a separate product but is now included with the HDR Light Studio 2.0 ‘Pro’ edition. It’s the first of the CORE plug-ins to be released, see the Live Plug-ins page for more details.
About Deep Exploration 6
Put simply, Deep Exploration 6 will open virtually any 3D file (and CAD file) and create a wide range of useful visual assets from this data. You can easily create vector line illustrations that are ideal to give to graphic designers for: instruction booklets, user manuals and assembly instructions. You can produce animations and render these as line illustrations or to a photo-real quality. Deep Exploration 6 is a perfect tool for those developing new products that need a wide variety of visual materials to support sales, marketing and customers support. Additionally Deep Exploration has been used by many 3D artists simply for its excellent file translation capabilities, allowing them to tessellate and prepare CAD data to use in other 3D software. One paragraph simply doesn’t do this software justice… so to find out more about Deep Exploration 6 please visit: www.righthemisphere.com