There’s a nice feature on Jeff Patton and his work using 3DS Max with iRay on the NVidia web site. Check it out here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/mercedes-benz.html
It does however fail to mention that Jeff has been a long time user of HDR Light Studio in his work, and in fact it’s a key component in achieving his superb results. Nearly all Jeff’s renders now utilize HDR Light Studio – in most cases representing all of the lighting for the scene. Jeff is able to take background photographs and build convincing HDR environments using HDR Light Studio to work on top of existing HDR environments from other locations and craft them using additional lighting and effects – so you’d never guess no HDR was shot on the background location.
The results are great car renders that bring out the best in the vehicle whilst bedding the car into the background. Certainly iRay and HDR Light Studio has proven to be an ideal partnership here.