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HDR Light Studio - Xenon Drop 4.1

HDR Light Studio supports Houdini 19

Today, Lightmap announces the immediate availability of HDR Light Studio - Xenon Drop 4.1 (build: 2021.1208)

What's New?

Houdini, RenderMan and Octane render logos

Houdini Connection

  • Support for Houdini 19 has been added.
  • Support added for RenderMan 24.2.
  • For compatibility with Octane renderer, Octane 2021.1.0.4 or newer is required.
  • Support for Houdini 17.5 has been dropped.


Maya and RenderMan logos

Maya Connection

  • Support added for RenderMan 24.2.
  • Support for Maya 2018 has been dropped.


General Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that would cause HDR Light Studio to crash when the OCIO environment variable is set but it points to a config.ocio file that doesn't exist. Further validation checks have been implemented and if the validation fails, the user will be prompted with an error message and made aware that HDR Light Studio is falling back to a different OCIO configuration.

  • Fixed bug where OCIO "Default" button did not remove HDRLS OCIO prefs, instead it would set the HDRLS prefs to the default prefs OCIO file location.


Release Notes and Compatibility

Full release notes can be found here for HDR Light Studio - Xenon Drop 4.1.

Here is the updated Connections Features and Compatibility Chart PDF.



Customers with active Subscriptions or Maintenance can download and install the new HDR Light Studio and Connections today.

HDR Light Studio - Xenon Drop 4.1 is also available to try and buy today.