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Cinema 4D Artists: Irinel Papuc

IPD3D - Daily Render

I’m a long time admirer of Irinel Papuc’s renders, many of which are posted at the Octane Render Facebook Group. I like how each render is about solving a particular challenge, be it trying out a new special effect/process or perfecting a material. I can see how doing these experiments, out side of the day to day workload, will really increase the skills you have at your disposal.

So it was great news to hear that many of those images were also lit with HDR Light Studio. This was the excuse I needed to get in touch with Irinel and find out more.

IPD3D - Daily Render

Hi Irinel, are all these daily renders created with Cinema 4D and Octane?
Yes, nearly all are made with Cinema 4D and Octane. I am working now since 2009 with Cinema 4D and tried other renders like V-Ray or Arnold, and decide to dive deeper into Octane. Sometimes it gets useful to know about other programs like Marvelous Designer or Houdini, but in Cinema 4D I feel like I am faster at certain operations as I would be with other programs.

Why have you challenged yourself to produce these daily renders?
I started these daily’s to increase my illustration skills and to learn more about art in general, but also to learn more about how to get things right in 3D and to have it easier to realize the requirements and wishes of my customers. Many other artists that are doing this every day for years and they deserve my respect. I learned just for this short amount of time more than I had imagined. Because of that kind of pressure to produce every day and the claim on myself to produce good renders, I had to change my workflow a bit. I was forced to focus on what is important for the renders and how I can finish it on time. I get very often to the moment where I can‘t go on because of a problem I can‘t solve and I try and research hours and days on how to get it like I want. But its like a learning process to find the balance between productivity and perfection. And of course I learned about other programs and methods on how to model and generate specific objects and effects like water, clouds, smoke, fire and all the cool effects. The rabbit hole goes very deep in 3D!

IPD3D - Daily Render

How many daily’s have you done so far?
I am currently on the 154th day, but there are much more works I didn’t publish because of the lack of quality or the knowledge to finish them. I want to realize all of the ideas and for many of them my skills are not sufficient enough, but I hope to learn as much as I can and to keep being inspired by all the great artists out there.

A big thanks to Irinel for talking with us – do checkout more of his work here:

IPD3D - Daily Render