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3D TALK – Episode 4 – Allan Portilho

3D Talk - Allan Portilho

Welcome to the fourth episode of 3D TALK.

This conversation didn’t turn out as expected. We didn’t really talk about 3D software at all. The main theme of the conversation was finding out how Allan progressed his 3D career from the Amazon (Brazil) through to moving and working in the USA.

It’s a long and slow paced conversation, but well worth a listen. It’s humbling and inspiring to hear about Allan’s journey. Along the way he took a lot of risks, put in a lot of hard work, conquered learning English, lived apart from his wife, knocked on a lot of doors and was rejected time after time, but ultimately he became a success. He had faith in his talent and dedicated himself to improving his portfolio, which kept opening new doors for him.

His story is an inspiration to any struggling 3D artist.

Since this interview Allan has moved to Hollywood and is now creating key art for movies and TV shows at

Press the ‘Play’ button below to listen, (You can also search for 3D Talk on iTunes)

Here is Allan’s showreel: